The Best Decision I Have Ever Made

by Tiffany
(Minneapolis, MN)

The Best Decision I Have Ever Made

I have always been a person committed to an UNhealthy lifestyle. I drank too much, I smoked, and even though my mom taught me how to eat healthy I never followed her advice. It took a lot of years for me to reach this point.

A few weeks ago, seeing my dreaded 40th birthday coming up, I bought a juicer and went on a juice fast. It has proven to be (hands down) the best decision I have ever made. Although for the first few weeks I was on a juice "fast" and didn't have any solid food, I have now transitioned into incorporating fresh vegetable/fruit juices into my diet along with healthy, vegan solid food.

And juicing has made an incredible difference to my health and my life. The ulcers that I have dealt with for decades have symptomatically disappeared. People at work comment on how great I look, and how good my color is. I have more energy and I'm convinced my body is working better than it ever has before.

Going on a juice fast is an extreme proposition, but I'm grateful that I did it, if for no other reason than now juicing is going to be a part of my life for good.

Thank you, Hugh, for this website. Since the day I started juicing I have gotten all my recipes here, and have even posted a couple. It was the best resource I could have hoped for.

I hope others experience what I have. Now looking at the dark days of winter without a farmers market, it's going to be a long winter but I'll be looking forward to all the wonderful produce I'll be able to get in the spring.

Happy juicing to all!

Wow, another amazing success story credited to the benefits of juicing, raw foods, and a vegan diet. If you’re reading this story because you’re curious about juicing or the raw diet then know that amazing things are possible if you treat your body with the love and respect it deserves.

If one person can accomplish something then it is possible for another to achieve the same results or greater.If you give the body the nutrition it requires, and partake in regular exercise, get fresh air as often as you can and enjoy adequate sunshine then the sky is the limit.

There are many recipes and tips for juicing and starting a raw food diet on this website. If you feel moved by these success stories and want to write your own, then follow these links and commit for several weeks or a month to discovering a healthier you.

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by: Dale

Thanks for posting this story, it’s really motivated me to get going and do something about my health. I’ve let myself get over weight over the past decade and have known I needed to do this really helps me. I'm going to buy a juicer and start juicing. Thanks!!!

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