To recover from illness does one have to go on a 100% vegan diet?

Q It's VERY DIFFICULT to go on a 100% vegan diet. My father recently had a stroke and I was wondering does he have to go on an 100% vegan raw food diet to see a rapid recovery. He is quite young and was used to being very active before the stroke. Or is it suggested that he go on a juice fast?

A I'm not a doctor so can't say what is best for your father, but I would think if you check with his/her doctor they would be fine with a high vegan/raw diet and or some juicing.

For some people the transition to 100% vegan happens over night and is like a stroll in the park. For others it is much more difficult, which is why I recommend eating a high vegan diet and see where it goes. Just keep in mind animal products probably got your dad where he is today.

I believe eating at least 75% of the vegan diet raw will provide wonderful results, both short and long term.

If your dad was to go vegan for a week, then another, then another I think the improvement in his health would be a strong motivator to continue. If he absolutely has to he can have a small portion of lean meat, or some dairy with a vegan meal.

Juicing, either between meals, or replacing them altogether for even just a day or two can work wonders for one's health.

I would encourage you and your father to do some reading on the vegan diet, the high raw diet, and the benefits of juicing.

All the best to you and a speedy recovery to your dad.

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