
by Della

Beautiful fruit...can be problematic for some

Beautiful fruit...can be problematic for some

Q. Hi I have been a vegan for fourteen months, a raw vegan for six months, I am following 80/10/10, I have healed so much, come of so many medications, just one problem is Triglycerides. Twice in the last year I have taken them down from 350 to 100, this time I did three days of salad and just six hundred grams mango in three days it came down by 120, I did another three days with no drop, yet the diet was the same.

Today I have gone back to normal with one change, I am not going to use dates. I am really hoping it’s not all the sugars in fruits that is causing this, as the problem is this week I lost two pounds in weight because I cut the fruit back.

My weight is only 110 pounds now, before I was 46 pounds heavier, has anyone else experienced this problem, would love some feedback, I have ordered a machine so that I can try to get to the bottom of this. xx

A. Sadly Della this is not an uncommon situation. I know one woman whose triglycerides jumped above 400 in one week of eating a high fruit diet.

No doubt that the high fruit diet is marvelous and makes one feel great at least for the short term, and there may be those whose bodies can handle the high fruit, but for most a well-balanced diet is a long term health sustaining diet.

Triglycerides & Cholesterol

Not only high triglycerides, but high cholesterol levels can also be an issue with the high fruit diet. This is why I think occasion testing is a good idea, especially on the raw diet. It is possible to feel so great with this diet and still have markers in blood tests showing real health concerns and deficiencies. Just with the common western diet symptoms can sometimes take ages to show up on the outside, but there is trouble brewing within.


I think a high fruit low fat diet is great for initial cleansing of the system. Every long term raw fooder I know started out eating a high fruit diet, but has adapted a more balanced diet over the years.

For me it was adding in many more greens and more fat. I know others that hardly eat fruit now and much more fat. Others are eating sprouted beans and lentils in dishes like raw hummus. Some choose to add steamed veggies to their evening meal. Two heads of steamed cauliflower is much more doable than eating those raw, and some of the nutrients are much more accessible steamed.

When most people embark on the high fruit diet they feel so great and think they’ll eat that way forever, but accepting the fact that it was a cleansing diet and moving forward in a positive manor is key to success in enjoying long term good health.

It will take some experimenting for you to find what works best, but I would first recommend adding in many greens. I feel greens are an important part of the raw diet. In fact a critical part of the raw diet.

I start my day with a large green smoothie every day. It’s comprised of 50% fruit and 50% greens by volume. I also add a teaspoon of chia seeds, a little ginger root, etc.. You might try a variation of that, a savory smoothie, or it may be completely different for you.

The main thing is not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Take the knowledge you have about the raw diet and build on that to create a health giving diet for you.

I know people that were high fruit eaters and are now very happy with their low fruit diets. It may take, and probably will, some adjusting both mentally and physically but the rewards are great.

The website is loaded with recipes that will support a medium fruit to very low fruit diet. Take a look at them and see what might work best for you to start with.

All the best to you.

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Thanks for this info!
by: Anonymous

I started the 80/10/10 diet a couple of months ago. Recently I had a blood work, and I was shocked to see that my fat profile was a mess. Then I found your website.
Now, I will start with incorporating more green veggies to my diet to see what happens.
Again, thanks for this beneficial information.

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