Uses for juice Pulp

Q Are there recipes for using the pulp after preparing the juice. Seems like it could be used for vegetable stock? Any fruits/vegies to avoid adding if used in that manner? Storage?
Thank you!

A Some people use them for making veggie burgers and you're right, they could be used for stock or put in soups.

I can't really think of any fruit or veggie pulp that should not be used later in a recipe.

They can be stored in the fridge short term and in the freezer for several months I would imagine.

I am not familiar with any exact recipes for using the pulp except for the raw banana nut bread on the raw desserts page of the website.

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Pulp makes great sandwich spread or dip!
by: Anonymous

I sprinkle curry powder, paprika, himalayan salt and pepper, then a little mustard and veganaise stirred in. Chop some celery and onion and it is delicious on a sandwich or lettuce wrap with slices of tomato and avocado and almost reminds me of tuna salad. I usually juice a large bag of carrots just to make sure I have pulp for later. :) I even add fresh chopped jalapenos and a little cayenne pepper and dip crackers or chips in it. It fills you up much faster than your regular dips.

***Some great ideas!

Uses for pulp
by: Monica

I usually simmer the pulp in some water sometimes adding some red or white wine plus some salt & pepper. I will then strain it and use it to make gravy. I will freeze any left over liquid to make gravy for another time. The remaining used pulp will get composted.

pulp use
by: sarah

I use the pulp and make a compost out of it.and use it in my flower bed.

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