Very Berry Sorbet

by Princess Blairty
(New York, NY)

This Very Berry Sorbet recipe is excellent for those who are watching their weight and want something sweet.This has no dairy in it so its great for those who are lactose-intolerant.


1 tsp of agave, honey, or any natural sweetener of your choice

1 cup of frozen strawberries

1/2 a cup of frozen raspberries

1/2 a cup of frozen blueberries

half a lemon

Blend up and enjoy this sweet treat without the guilt! :)

******several wet dates would work as a sweetener for this recipe and might be a healthier option.

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Sep 22, 2014
frozen vs fresh
by: dave from ballarat

In the context of making a sorbet or ice cream the fruit that you put in the vitamix needs to be frozen to get the consistency required, otherwise you are making a smoothie . I buy bulk berries from the farmers market, eat what I can fresh, freeze the rest myself for making sauces, sorbets, toppings etc.

Sep 21, 2014
Very Berry Sorbet
by: Jan P Lopez

I am not for sweeteners.But if I were to recommend a sweetener,I would recommend a raw and vegan one. Agave is not raw,honey is not vegan.Dates are a good option. Also fresh fruit is one of my preferences over frozen or dried any day.

*********I agree with you in general Jan. This recipe is a sorbet though so that's why the frozen fruits are called for. I also noted at the bottom of the recipe that wet dates should work well for this recipe. Great minds think alike. :)

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