Vital Energy

by Sandra

Vital Energy is a simple easy to make smoothie with few ingredients, which is loaded with nutrition.

Vital Energy Ingredients

2 oranges

1 tangerine

1 banana

1 apple

1 bunch spinach

Drink it every morning or when you feel down, you will love the benefits.

Nutrients & Benefits of Ingredients

Oranges – it’s said oranges are good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. They support good digestion and contain good amounts of calcium and vitamin C.
Oranges contain 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 known falconoid. These are shown to reduce inflammation, shrink tumors, and inhibit blood clots. The Herperidin in oranges can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. They contain bioflavonoids, pectin and citric acids.

Tangerines- contain good levels of vitamin C, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, and beta carotene.

Banana – Have a high vitamin and mineral content, B6, vitamin C, B5, B2, folate, manganese, copper, magnesium, and particularly potassium. They are easily digested, increase fat burning, and research suggests they lower risk of colorectal and kidney cancer.

Apples – Apples are an overall tonic and contain pectin, a fiber that’s good for the digestive tract, supports immunity, and research suggests it lowers Alzheimer’s risk They are a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, iron, manganese, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, potassium, and trace minerals.

Spinach – Spinach is a super green with high nutrient density. It’s good for the blood due to its rich iron and chlorophyll content, and it not only builds the blood, but stops bleeding. Some say it’s a specific remedy for nosebleeds, herpes (due to its sulfur content), a great diuretic and laxative, and cleanses the blood of toxins. Spinach is soothing and nourishing for the digestive tract. High in beta carotene, folate, vitamin K, B1, B2, B6, C, E, as well as calcium, manganese, potassium, sodium, zinc copper, iron, magnesium, and omega 3.

Now you can begin to see why this smoothie is called Vital Energy. Enjoy!

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