Vitamin B--12

Q. So what about B-12, do I need to supplement?

A. There are a number of raw fooders who do supplement B-12 and those that believe we can derive it from food sources and or that our body can produce it. Vitamin B-12, also called cobalamin, is a water soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is one of the eight B vitamins. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production.

Some symptoms of deficiency are numbness in extremities, poor digestion, seeing stars, and poor mental recall. The best way to tell your B-12 level is to go to a natural health practitioner and get tested, and then you will know for certain. And just because your levels are good now does not mean that they will be good down the road. It’s accepted that the body can store vitamin B-12 for a number of years so even if you test good now you may just be running on reserves and not taking in adequate amounts in your diet to sustain you down the road.

Adequate B-12 levels are responsible for a myriad of metabolic functions, and a lack of this vitamin can cause permanent neurological damage. This is nothing to fool around with. Pregnant or new mothers should check with a health care professional before supplementing with vitamin B-12.

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by: Terin

Vitamin b is also very important like any other form of vitamins that your body require. It also has to be in proportion too. Anything too much can also be a big problem to us. So follow some good diet plans and neutrinos.

"seeing stars"
by: Anonymous

Hello, I had B12 deficiency and low for many years. Some of my symptoms are visual snow, brain fog and tinnitus. Do you mean with "seeing stars" visual snow? I hope you can give a answer. Regards, Jeffrey

*******It can be different for different folks from what I understand, but generally light headedness accompanied by some type of visual distortion. i.e. visual snow, or seeing stars.

symptoms of neurological damage
by: Anonymous

I have a daughter who has been a vegetarian for years and is very thin I suspect anorexia but she will not admit that. She has many health problems and after reading the problems with b-12 deficiency, I wonder if that may a part of her problem. She had pain in her joints and severe emotional problems consisting of a lot of blame for people in her past as causing her physical problems. She seems stuck in rage and unable to get through it and forgive.

Hoping for insight into her situation.

**REPLY from Hugh
I?m so sorry to hear of your daughter?s situation, it sounds like she needs to see a qualified health practitioner and have some tests done. Hopefully she is open to seeing someone and getting back on a healthy track.

I feel I should mention that being vegetarian in itself is not unhealthy if done correctly, just as any diet can be unhealthy and lead to illness if basic guidelines are not followed.

Best wishes for your daughter and her situation.

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