Weight Loss Detox Juice

by Dave S.
(Ballarat, Victoria Australia)

Behold the wonders of the weight loss detox juice. As a beginner i tried a few disgusting concoctions, but this one really got things moving in the weight loss/detox/intestine cleansing department! Within 2 weeks my skin was glowing, moods leveled off, appetite somewhat suppressed etc.

1 Silverbeet leaf greens (or cup of choice greens)

2 Celery stalks

2 Green apples

2 Carrots

1 Capsicum (red sweet pepper)

1 Peeled lemon

1 Inch ginger

This looks to be not only be a great weight loss and detox recipe, but a great remineralizer as well. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients to rebuild a healthy body and keep one feeling great with regular consumption.

I love the inclusion of lemon and fresh ginger root, which I add to many of my juices and smoothies. I give this juice 5 stars myself.

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by: Anonymous

I didn't read all the comments.....how long do I do this detox for?

**********As long as you like. One juice, or one day, or one week or more. Each person is different and is looking for different results.

You can have this juice once a day for months on end or juice feast for a week or two. If you do the later you may want to mix it up with other juice recipes though. And you may want to check with your doctor if doing for longer than a weekend.

reply to Carol or newbs in general
by: Dave

It probably seems overwhelming, all the options available. Which juicer, which veg, fruit and how much? How i originally started was go to a juice bar and read the menu. I noticed that most of the top selling drinks only had 2 or 3 ingredients. Use that as a guide, find a flavor you can enjoy as a base and add more veg to it as your taste buds get used to them. (If juicing is fully embraced your tolerance for sugar will decrease dramatically) then read the blog comments from leaders in the field such as contributors to this great site, above all don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy your journey, after all life is the journey and the destination is the end of it!

by: Carol

Hi I'm just starting out
I have a juicer and a wee bullet blender thing but I have no idea how I should start juicing, which recipes to try or how many to have per day

Can anyone advise?

******Read the web pages that pertain to your issues and try some of the recipes.

by: Anonymous

Can I use lime instead of lemon?


Measuring Ginger
by: Anonymous

I'm new but would someone tell me how you measure ginger by the inch? I'm using ginger powder how does that relate...or does it?
Loving my new juicer and all the recipes and input here. Thanks.

******See if you can find some fresh ginger root at your local grocery or health market. Not sure how much powder to use. If you go that route you'll have to experiment.

by: Dave

People, please don't get hung up on details. Trial and error is the best way to learn what's best for you. To change the flavour use different greens like rocket. If you like an earthy tang use whole beets. Omit and add as your tastes or needs dictate, even the type of juicer doesn't matter as long as you're doing it.

Hugh's Comment**** Well said Dave. Thank you!!

Weight lost detox juice
by: Anonymous


Hugh's reply**** read the other comments and you'll see what Dave has to say.

green apples?
by: Anonymous

Does it have to be green apples, or will any kind work?

High's reply**** I think the intent of the recipe was to keep the sugar content low, but I think any type of apples can be substituted. Enjoy!

More info I want to try
by: Anonymous

Can you tell me what liquid do you use to make it a juice.

Hugh's Reply***** All the ingredients create the juice when put into the juicer.

by: Dave

Yes for a start, once a day. That was also in concert with going vegetarian for 2 weeks. Also reducing wheat, carbs in general and of course no soda sugared or poisoned. ;-)

by: Anonymous

How often did you drink this to get the results you mention?

Hugh's reply***** Dave doesn't say how often, but you could start out at once a day and go from there.


Just tried this recipe and it was ok not one of my favorites but the lemon made it ok.

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