what is the best way to get protein from raw food and juicing?

by gerald
(West Virgina)

Q I am a vegetarian, and i am now getting into juicing and eating raw foods. what i would like to know is do you have recipes that are printable. Meaning i can pull them and just print. also what is the best way to get protein from raw food and juicing? thank you.

A You can copy and paste the recipes on to Word or some other app on your computer before printing.

Leafy greens are loaded with protein and are great in smoothies or juiced. You can always add some Spirulina or Chlorella powder to your smoothies. Soaked almonds, or hemp seeds can be added to smoothies as well.

Green smoothies are great because everything is already broken down making it easy for the body to assimilate the nutrients.

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nice one
by: Erc

This looks appealing than anything else right now for my tummy. gosh i have such a big affinity for food that it has become hard to have a grip on the intake. Thanks for this tips, wish I follow it.

Any tips for anything we should try growing?
by: Gerald

Thank you for the info. I grow Chlorella here we got about 7 acres of pure 100% organic farming going on here so most things come right from the farm. any Tips on something we should try growing would be most appreciated. we grow most your regular stuff but every year try something new.

**reply** How about some fennel, tasoi, or one of my favorites, striped Armenian cucumber.

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