What's the best detox juice?

by swanlawn potts
(Detroit Michigan)

Q I am currently on blood thinners and have had to have blood transfusions. What is the best detox juice to do that can help me better my situation?

A Any juice that contains greens and or vegetables would be good for a general detox. The idea is to replace a meal or meals with juice and make the solid foods you do consume of a healthy variety. Many times it’s not so much what we have to add to our diets to become healthy, but rather what we need to leave out.

Take a look at the detox diet recipes to see what appeals to you and give one a try. You may want to start with one that is at least slightly sweet and go from there.

One of my very favorites not listed on that page is watermelon and celery. You juice the watermelon rind as well.

I would be sure to check with your doctor before you start juicing to make sure nothing will interfere with your medications.

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